Product: Emill

Last edited 05.04.2024

MET-1-1.1 Who gave the information?

Manufacturer/service provider

MET-1-2.1 Brief introduction of the product

Emill is a mobile community application that provides powerful tools for collaboration between users both within and between organizations.

Tools for digital multimedia production, personal communication, theme-based discussion in open and closed groups are easily accessible.

The application can be used in training, as well as a centralized communal support platform.

Creating, compiling and sharing content and ideas has never been this easy!

MET-1-3.1 Introduction page (if any)

1-5 categories describing the product.

Activation applications, Discussion channels, Learning platforms/environments, Social media, Collaboration

GEN-1-3.1 Is there an age limit for users in the service?

Other age limit
Additional information
Avoimen palvelun ikäraja on 18 vuotta, mutta organisaatiotileillä voidaan soveltaa alempaa ikärajaa

GEN-1-5.1 Country of manufacture/home country of the service provider


GEN-1-6.1 ISO certifications

Empty/not answered

GEN-1-7.1 Is there a mobile app for the service?

iOS, Android

GEN-1-8.1 License type

Named user, Organization license, Other

GEN-1-9.1 Is virtualization possible?

Additional information
Koska pilvipalvelu, virtualisoinnin mahdollisuutta ei tarvita.

GEN-2-1.1 Service-specific Privacy Notice (if any)

GEN-2-2.1 Data security description of the service (if any)

GEN-2-3.1 Contact information of the data protection officer

Christian Alopaeus,

GEN-2-4.1 Are there advertisements or links to commercial services on the platform?


GEN-2-5.1 Does the service use cookies for which users' consent is asked?


UMA-1-1.1 Is the service used with personal usernames?


UMA-1-2.1 Are there at least two user levels in the user management of the service: administrator and end user?


UMA-1-3.1 Can access rights be limited according to the employees' job duties, taking into account the rights of different user groups?


UMA-1-4.1 What options does the service have to integrate user management into the organization's centralized user registry and single sign-on (SSO)?

Empty/not answered

UMA-1-5.1 Is it possible to log in with usernames of other service providers?

Additional information
Google ja Apple

UMA-1-6.1 Can multi-factor authentication (MFA) be used for logging in?


UMA-1-7.1 Is strong user authentication possible?


UMA-1-8.1 Is it possible for the service to have guest users or non-logged-in users from outside the customer organization?

Not answered

UMA-2-1.1 Are comprehensive log data about the activities of all logged-in users saved?


UMA-2-2.1 Is every access to personal data saved in a log?


UMA-2-3.1 Are the service logs protected from unauthorized viewing and deletion?

Not answered

UMA-2-4.1 How long are log data retained, and how are they deleted?

Empty/not answered

TDP-1-1.1 What kind of integrations (interfaces) are involved in the system and how are they protected from outsiders?

Järjestelmää ei ole integroitu ulkoisiin palveluihin

TDP-1-2.1 How are the transfers of personal data through interfaces to sub-processors and possible disclosures to other parties logged?

Empty/not answered

TDP-2-1.1 Does all personal data processing in the service take place in such a way that the network connection is encrypted and the user or the parties to the data transfer are verified?


TDP-2-2.1 Is it possible to use the service so that all personal data is stored only in encrypted form?


TDP-2-3.1 Has the service's security taken into account independent remote access?

Not answered

TDP-3-1.1 Is the data content of the service backed up at least once a day and is it possible to restore the backup quickly if necessary?


TDP-3-2.1 Is the backup restoration process documented and tested?

Not answered

TDP-4-2.1 Can multi-factor authentication (MFA) be required on all users at login?


TDP-5-1.1 Are security updates for software components related to the service installed regularly without any delay?


TDP-5-2.1 Has data security been audited by an external party? If so, by whom?


TDP-5-3.1 Are regular data security and vulnerability tests performed on the service?

Additional information
Tietoturva- ja haavoittuvuustestaukset ovat osa jatkuvaa ylläpito- ja kehitystyötä

TDP-5-5.1 How have the GDPR requirements, risk-based approach and data protection by default, been taken into account in the system design and its functions?

Empty/not answered

TDP-5-6.1 Does the service provider have procedures for detecting, reporting, and investigating data breaches?

Not answered

DPR-1-1.1 What are the purposes of processing personal data?

Empty/not answered

DPR-1-2.1 What role does the service provider give itself in terms of data security?

For the role of controller and processor

DPR-1-3.1 Do end users need to give consent for the processing of personal data related to the service?

Not answered

DPR-1-4.1 Is it possible to make the name of the client organization and a link to its own privacy notice visible to users in the service?


DPR-1-5.1 Does the service provider have access to personal data stored by the client organization?

Additional information
Palveluntarjoaja tarjoaa osana palvelua aktiivista sisällöllistä tukea sekä sisältöjen luontia. Tästä johtuen palveluntarjoajan "superadmin" roolissa olevat henkilöt pääsevät asiakkaiden henkilötietoihin.

DPR-1-6.1 Does use of the service generate a register of which the service provider is a joint controller with the client organization?

Additional information
Palveluntarjoaja tarjoaa aktiivista tukea asiakasorganisaatioille ja tässä ominaisuudessa tarvittaessa ylläpitää myös tunnuksia. Tässä tilanteessa palveluntarjoaja ja asiakas toimivat yhteisrekisterinpitäjinä ja -käsittelijöinä.

DPR-1-8.1 Does the service provider have an up-to-date list of personal data sub-processors, including each sub-processor's name, location, processing purpose, and any transfer basis outside the EU/EEA?


DPR-1-9.1 Link to the list of sub-processors (if any)

Empty/not answered

DPR-1-10.1 Does the service provider or any of its sub-processors process personal data outside the EU/EEA?


DPR-1-11.1 If personal data is processed outside the EU/EEA area, on what grounds is personal data transferred?

Not answered
Additional information
Henkilötietoja ei käsitellä EU/ETA-alueen ulkopuolella

DPR-1-12.2 Can personal data be transferred to third countries that are not considered safe?


DPR-1-13.1 In which countries are the service provider's servers located?

Empty/not answered

DPR-2-1.1 What personal data does the service provider process?

Nimi ja sähköpostiosoite

DPR-2-2.1 Is the service also intended for processing special personal data (e.g. health data)?


DPR-2-3.1 Can the required and optional fields related to users be defined by the administrator?


DPR-2-4.1 Does the service provider provide users with comprehensive information about the processing of personal data in the service?


DPR-2-6.1 What procedures are in place to ensure that data is not used for other purposes?

Empty/not answered

DPR-2-7.1 Does the service have a function for pseudonymizing personal data?


DPR-2-8.1 Can users be asked for separate consents for the processing of certain personal data (e.g., personal identification number or special personal data)?

Not answered

DPR-2-9.1 Is data processed on a large scale in the service?

Not answered

DPR-2-10.1 Can the service's functions involve profiling, scoring, or evaluating individuals?


DPR-2-11.1 Can the service involve the processing of location data?


DPR-2-12.1 Can the service define the retention periods for personal data or the criteria for determining them?


DPR-2-13.1 Can users' personal data be anonymized instead of deleted?


DPR-3-3.1 Is the scope and duration of personal data processing proportional to the intended benefits?

Not answered

DPR-4-2.1 Can users see all the data stored about them?

Not answered

DPR-4-3.1 Can users download or transfer the data they have stored to another service, or import data from another system?

Not answered

DPR-4-4.1 How and when are personal data deleted?

Henkilötietoja ei poisteta automaattisesti. Yksityistiliä käyttävä käyttäjä voi poistaa oman tunnuksen itse ja organisaatiotunnukset poistetaan erillisten sopimusten mukaisesti.

DPR-4-5.1 If a data subject exercises their right to restrict the processing of their personal data, what technical means are used to ensure the implementation of the restriction?

Empty/not answered

DPR-5-1.1 How is the accuracy of the processed personal data ensured?

Empty/not answered

DPR-6-1.1 Are automated decisions made in the service, and if so, on what basis?

Not answered

DPR-6-2.1 How are data subjects informed about automated decision-making?

Empty/not answered

DPR-6-3.1 How are the conclusions related to the data subject that are based on automated decision-making described to them?

Empty/not answered

DPA-1-1.1 Is it possible to enter into a data processing agreement (DPA) with the service provider?

Yes; only one standard DPA

DPA-1-2.1 Link to standard template for a DPA agreement (if available)

Empty/not answered

DPA-1-3.1 Are the personal data to be processed defined in the DPA (Data Processing Agreement)?


DPA-1-4.1 Are the purposes of personal data processing defined in the DPA (Data Processing Agreement)?


DPA-1-5.1 Can instructions be provided in conjunction with the DPA (Data Processing Agreement) that the service provider must take into account when processing personal data?


DPA-1-6.1 Does the DPA (Data Processing Agreement) stipulate that the service provider ensures confidentiality obligations for its employees?


DPA-1-7.1 Does the DPA (Data Processing Agreement) stipulate that the service provider allows for monitoring and auditing by the data controller?


DPA-1-8.1 Does the service provider have a designated contact person for data protection issues?

Additional information
Kehittäjän tietosuojavastaava vastaa Emill-palvelun tietosuoja-asioista

DPA-1-9.1 Is data deletion defined in the DPA (Data Processing Agreement)?


DPA-1-10.1 Does the service provider use users' personal data for purposes other than the functions and maintenance of the service?

Not answered

DPA-2-1.1 Is compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the implementation of adequate safeguards ensured in the DPA (Data Processing Agreement) in situations where sub-processors are used for personal data processing?

Additional information
Kehittäjä ei käytä alihankkijoita henkilötietojen käsittelyyn

DPA-2-2.1 Sub-processors in accordance with the DPA (Data Processing Agreement) or a link to the list of sub-processors (if available).

Empty/not answered

DPA-2-3.1 Does the service provider comply with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regarding changes to sub-processors?

Not answered

DPA-3-1.1 Does the service provider commit to promptly notifying of any data breaches?


DPA-3-2.1 Does the service provider have a procedure mentioned in the contract for reporting data breaches?

Not answered

DPA-3-3.1 Does the service provider commit to promptly fulfilling requests related to personal data?

Not answered

DPA-4-1.1 Does the processor or any of its sub-processors process personal data outside the EU/EEA?


DPA-4-2.1 If personal data is processed outside the EU/EEA, on what basis are the data transfers made?

Not answered

DPA-4-3.1 If the EU Commission's Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) are used as the grounds for the transfer of personal data, which standard clauses are they?

Not answered

DPA-4-4.1 Can personal data be disclosed to the authorities of a third country?


DPA-4-5.1 Does the service provider have documentation to assist with the transfer impact assessment (TIA) when data is transferred outside the EU/EEA?

Not answered

DPA-4-6.1 If data is transferred outside the EU/EEA area, what additional protection measures are used?

Empty/not answered
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